Wednesday 5 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day

Heeeey pandypolo here!!. I know it's a little early but, yaaa know, knowing me I probably won't have time on the daaay!! sooo happy EARLYY valenines daaaaay. 
Valentine Jokes for preschoolers! ( medium maturity) suitable to read for all ages! Warning ! may not be humorous for teenagers.
Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine's Day?
A: I'm stuck on you!
Q: What travels around the world but stays in one corner?
A: A stamp.
Q: Why is lettuce the most loving vegetable?
A: Because it's all heart.
Q: What do squirrels give for Valentine's Day?
A: Forget-me-nuts.
Q: What is a vampire's sweetheart called?
A: His ghoul-friend.
Q: Why did the banana go out with the prune?
A: Because it couldn't get a date.
Q: What happens when you fall in love with a french chef?
A: You get buttered up.
Q: What did the caveman give his wife on Valentine's Day?
A: Ughs and kisses!

Q: What did the paper clip say to the magnet?
A: I find you very attractive.

Q: What did the elephant say to his girlfriend?
A: I love you a ton!
Q: What did one pickle say to the other?
A: You mean a great dill to me.
Q: What do you call a very small Valentine?
A: A Valentiny! 

  Roses are red                 
Tires are black
Why is your chest
as flat as your back?                     

Roses are red,
Violets are purple,
Sugar is sweet
And so is maple syrup

Roses are Red
My name is polo
This poem sucks
I like rolo

Roses are Red
Violets are blue
I'm bad at poems
Refrigerator(LOL makes no sense)

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Please don't kiss me,
'cuz I have the flu.

Valentine Day Wish


Be My Valentine
Happy valentines day, Hope you enjoy!

Happy valentiness daay! have a good one


  1. happy early valentines day 2 u 2 btw love da poems made meh chuckle

  2. Replies
    1. isha here. I dont have a utube channel account o.o Not Me. ALL FAKE. I dont go on fb, kik, instagram, twister, is tht what u call it? Oh yea twitter:D I only go on English Msp and imvu, thats it. Thank you:)

  3. isha u would never fake those pl are HATERS stay strong :) bluberrstar

  4. dont listen to those hater stay strong :) blueberrstar

  5. Soz for not putting this on the last post but I'd like to comment about earning fame. I think it's too easy and really unfair because people who just watch movies and don't actually make them get loads of fame... It's really unfair and just because I don't watch a lot of movies people might level faster than me even though I've been on for longer. That is just my view on it though.

  6. I will be your valentine anytime babz;)

    ishacool xoxo

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. i dont have a valentine D'x i mean i have a crushie on msp but ik he wont like me =/ anyways have a great valentines day isha and polo

  8. These are mint! :D Isha and Polo are awesome! :P I'm alone for valentines D:

  9. Hey ishacool whitneyyxx Here i love you ishacool u are my Idol x Happy Valentines day And im on uk msp called whitneyyxx if you want to Chat or hang out if thats Fine with u?xx
    Much love from your Fan whitneyyxx :)

  10. Heey Polo and Isha ;o Wow, Polo hasn't posted in ages its so nice to see her blog again (: Okay this is random ;D Goodbye;*

  11. And y do we have to pay so much for a vip pack

  12. Lol the flu pt was funny xDD Have a nice & sweet valentine xoxo :)pumpckin0429

  13. Eek what's ur imvus? I might by imvu VIP as well as Msp Vip they're both obsessive o.o Oh and ty isha for putting me in a vintage short ~ CocoRich

  14. Happy Valentines. X

  15. Isha or Polo please guys I beg you to bring this up on your blog. Some people are calling Isha a boy then saying you/her dad owns MSP. I really don't want these annoying haters to continue with this and it really sickens me- shallot6 :)

  16. I know this is a little bit late but isha im really sorry about everything that was happening to you (btw I didn't do it) you wrote on my guest book nasty things but im promising on my life that im not a glitch and that I don't even know how to dod that so im really sorry if u got the wrong idea just as when Iogged online I had a bestfriends request off you im really sorry (even tho I didn't do anyting ) from crazychlojoxxx

  17. I don't go on msp anymore, I think I have grown out of it that's why its a bit boring for me now x

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Hot Kiss to you